I had to do a little internet research on who is currently in Visions Of Atlantis as they have had so many lineup changes in their career. I eventually got my answer, but it makes little difference to my opinion of ‘Ethera’, their fifth full length album. It’s boring, mundane and sung badly. To hear this directly after reviewing the wonderful new Serenity album, ‘War Of Ages’, with its beautiful harmonies, melodies and singing, just makes ‘Ethera’ sound all the more amateurish. Both bands employ a twin male/female vocal attack, but where Serenity is a symphonic joy, Visions of Atlantis vocalists Mario Plank and Maxi Nil sound very slightly off key for large parts of the album, especially when they sing together and Maxi’s high pitched, supposed operatic squeals made my testicles feel like they had been squeezed into a pair of undersized trousers! Not a pleasant feeling I can tell you. Her attempt to emulate Simone Simons from Epica fails miserably.
Tracks such as ‘Machinage’ and ‘Cave Behind The Waterfall’ are adequate but they are too few and far between to save this. What makes this all the more disappointing is that some of Visions Of Atlantis previous material has been pretty good. Perhaps the plethora of changes in personnel is taking its toll, the band has not had a stable lineup for any consecutive album, and surely that eventually has to have a detrimental effect on any cohesive writing partnerships forming. Orchestration and musicianship of other members seems fine, but I just find it so difficult to see past the inadequacies of the vocals to truly appreciate anything. It’s not the worst album I’ve heard, but there are too many bands of this type producing good material at the moment to warrant recommending this. If, however, you are a fan I would suggest doing your homework and checking out the available samples online first before you commit.
Napalm Records
Review by Rick Tilley
22nd March 2013
1) The Ark
2) Machinage
3) Avatara
4) Vicious Circle
5) Hypnotized
6) Tlaluc's Grace
7) Burden of Divinity
8) Cave Behind the Waterfall
9) AEON 19th
10) Bestiality vs Integrity
11) Clerics Emotion
"What makes this all the more disappointing is that some of Visions Of Atlantis previous material has been pretty good. Perhaps the plethora of changes in personnel is taking its toll..."