What is it with progressive music and clocks? They seem to be rife in the imagery of prog bands. Literally, they're everywhere! On the actual disc for Soniq Circus' 'Reflections in the Hourglass' is the picture of a clock. Is it a subconscious hang-up ever since Pink Floyd's 'Time'? Who knows, but at least it's in keeping with the lyric thematic on Soniq Circus' latest where time features prominently. A follow-up to their self-titled debut in 2007, 'Reflections in the Hourglass' has different personnel to that of their initial formation - vocalist Calle Lennartsson has left with guitarist and primary composer Marcus Enochsson assuming lead vocal duties, and original keyboardist Mathias Beckius has been replaced by Marco Ledri. I've never heard the band's debut so am unable to pass comparative comments on whether the lineup changes have significantly altered their sound and general vibe but the press sheet assures it's all for the better. So what of Soniq Circus; what kind of music are we talking about here? Well, while not fitting the prog glove good and proper, their sound has distinct progressive elements. And not fitting the prog glove is a positive point of the album as to label a band as such would be oxymoronic - to be genuinely progressive, you shouldn't be placed under the genre of prog. Like I say, there are passages of music which could be labelled as prog but Soniq Circus aren't afraid to write catchy, emotive music within the context of more standard time signatures and evidently don't feel the need to diverge into unusual timings just for the sake of it. There are moments of this but they're always well placed and never feel out of place in the context of the compositions. The lengthy 11+ minutes of 'By the Heartshaped Lake' is a good example of this as the track's central motifs are developed and progressed in a subtly innovative way. Despite a liberal use of distorted guitars throughout, there's nothing overtly heavy on 'Reflections in the Hourglass' so it sits firmly at the rock end of the prog spectrum and, when songs do veer into slightly heavier territory such as on 'Learning to Talk', prominent keyboards in the mix abate such heaviness (Ledri's virtuosic keyboard solo towards the end of this song is particularly impressive). Where the album does fall down a little is in Enochsson's vocals which are something of an acquired taste. He can certainly hold a tune and hits all the right notes but is not the most technically gifted of singers. At least his voice is in no way generic prog (just like the music), so his singing does add a slightly original dimension to the tracks. Overall, 'Reflections in the Hourglass' is a far from stunning album but is still impressive nonetheless.
Progress Records
Review by Mark Holmes
24th August 2011
1) Inside the Hourglass 3am
2) Formula
3) Actor
4) Shadow Dance
5) Childbirth
6) By the Heartshaped Lake
7) Learning to Talk
8) Outside the Hourglass 4am
"Soniq Circus aren't afraid to write catchy, emotive music within the context of more standard time signatures and evidently don't feel the need to diverge into unusual timings just for the sake of it."