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Who doesn't love Kreator? If you're one of the die-hards, you'll have stuck with them through the wilderness years from 'Renewal' to 'Endorama'. However, I think we all rejoiced at their wondrous return from 2001's 'Violent Revolution'; at last, thrash was making a return after desperately clinging on to life as Nu-Metal and the like raked in the cash. 'Hordes of Chaos' continues this return to form and, along with Megadeth, Testament, and Forbidden, is showing the bloated corpse of corporate thrash (you know who you are) how a come-back is done. Each track on this gloriously vicious album is an exercise in fat-free song-writing. Riffs aplenty that will rip your teeth out the back of your head and staple it back together with rusty hat-pins. Mille still sounds like a pissed-off terrier; a little older perhaps, but no less angry. Better still, this album was recorded organically (save for some decoration on the vocals and leads). All this makes for a very chaotic sound; bordering on falling apart at times, but sounding much more focussed and than a million pro-tooled coffee coasters do these days. Perhaps it's a trend that is causing the elder statesmen to adopt this approach, rather than because it's the best way to achieve that old-school sound, but I welcome it regardless. So, with this special edition, you get some pretty pictures in a book, and the usual gumph associated with double-dips. The one thing of real note is the second CD containing demos. I'm not a fan of this approach to adding value; why would I want to hear inferior versions of the songs? However, I understand that for some hearing the original versions - to see the genesis to finished product - can be a rewarding experience. There are also a couple of workman-like covers too. For me though, it's another disc to languish with the cobwebs. So, it’s a great album in a not-so-special edition. If you don't own this album yet I suggest tracking down a cheap version of the original; it really is a stunner. If you really must own everything Kreator releases, then you don't need my advice anyway.
Review by Steve Cowan
19th July 2010
Disc 1: 1) Hordes Of Chaos (A Necrologue For The Elite); 2) Warcurse; 3) Escalation; 4 Amok Run; 5) Destroy What Destroys You; 6) Radical Resistance; 7) Absolute Misanthropy; 8) To The Afterborn; 9) Corpses Of Liberty; 10) Demon Prince; 11) Hordes of Chaos; 12 Destroy What Destroys You

Disc 2: 1) Hordes Of Chaos; 2) Radical Resistance; 3) To The Afterborn; 4) Escalation; 5) Escalation; 6) Alle Gegen Alle; 7)You Are The Government
"Each track on this gloriously vicious album is an exercise in fat-free song-writing. Riffs aplenty that will rip your teeth out the back of your head and staple it back together with rusty hat-pins."