A new Swedish outfit, self-proclaimed epic metallers Eldkraft are comprised of a mere three musicians - vocalist/keyboardist J.Sandin, guitarist/bassist H.Carlsson and sticksman N.Fjellström. Eschewing typical "power trio" traits, these Swedes have forged an epic vibe from multi-layered instrumentations rather than sitting back on their minimalist foundation. However, rather than just relying on layers to convey their epic metal dynamic, compositions already adhere to a melodically epic spirit and these have been fleshed out in the studio with richly textured sonics to make the epic inherence that little bit more emphatic. Problem is, for what feels like a studio-based venture in essence, it's not always as smoothly executed as it perhaps should be with the general performances, production and mix a little rough around the edges. Vocally, 'Shaman' also gets off to a shaky start with Sandin's delivery way off-key on the first two tracks. His voice is full of power and passion but the dissonant tones in his tonally jumbled 'singing' is somewhat grating and detracts from what are, otherwise, a couple of decent tunes. Fortunately (and inexplicably), from song three onwards, his vocals gradually improve, so fuck knows what was going on with the opening tracks (...and why open the album with subpar vocals when the general idea is surely to grab people's listening attention, not repel 'em?) In terms of general song structures, much of the music has a quasi-folk drive which is interjected with doomy passages, tremolo-picked up-tempo riffery and mid-paced Primordial-esque melancholy. It's a blend that works well in parts but I have found my attention wavering several times during repeated listens so 'Shaman' is not an engaging album in its entirety. Not too bad for a debut though and if Eldkraft can iron out their inconsistencies then perhaps they'll hit their stride on a sophomore effort.
Metal Blade
Review by Mark Holmes
27th May 2013
1) Gammal Krigare
2) Undrets Tid
3) Fate's Door
4) Moder Liv Till Grav
5) Ursprungskällan
6) Patterns
7) Gränslös Gräns
8) Grey Man
9) I Dödens Famn
10) Rimthurs
"...compositions...adhere to a melodically epic spirit and these have been fleshed out in the studio with richly textured sonics to make the epic inherence that little bit more emphatic."